Monday, January 30, 2006

2005 End of the Year Report Issued by AATOD


January 30, 2006

2005 End of the Year Report Issued by AATOD

AATOD has issued their 2005 End of the Year Report which summarizes the progress AATOD has made during the past year on a number of their initiatives. The link to download is:

In 2001 the AATOD Board of Directors approved a five-year plan laying the foundation for a number of critically important projects for our nation’s treatment system. As indicated in the report, the approaching National AATOD Conference in Atlanta during April 22-26, 2006, will feature a number of presentations, reporting on the initiatives described in the report.

The closing plenary session of Wednesday, April 26, 2006 will feature General Barry R. McCaffrey (President / McCaffrey Associates/former Drug Czar) and Dr. David Satcher (President of Morehouse College/former Surgeon General) discussing the future of medication assisted treatment in the United States, including spiritual and political views.

John Walters (Director/White House Office of National Drug Control Policy) will be featured as the keynote speaker during the opening plenary session. The Tuesday plenary session will focus on criminal justice initiatives.

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